
Welcome To The Family Jinx

A few months ago I wrote about both of our rabbits sadly dying within a couple of days for each other. At the time we said no more pets, at least not for a while. As time went on I particularly felt like something was missing. The house and garden was too quiet. It just didn’t feel right any more.

We’ve had pets since we moved into this house so it definitely felt wrong without one.

For quite some time now Erin had been asking for a pet cat. I was unsure at first. It seemed too soon. But, Erin is very persuasive and I did come round to the idea. The more I thought about it the more it seemed like a good idea. Erin had already spent loads of time with cats when we looked after Yara, my sister’s cat for a while. She’s gentle, caring, playful and loves to help put the food down etc.

One day we looked into a getting a rescue cat. We made phone calls to somewhere local. We’d hoped for a 1 or 2 year old cat but there wasn’t anything available at the time. However, there was a woman fostering 9 kittens so I went to see them one evening. A kitten was never our plan. In fact, I really didn’t want a kitten. But, when I was at the house one in particular stood out to me straight away! I fell a bit in love.

Welcome To The Family Jinx

We brought Jinx home last Thursday and it’s been a bit of a manic time since then. Obviously going to a new home is a confusing time for a kitten, especially being away from her 8 sisters. We’re all getting used to something new with her but we absolutely love her already. It’s like she’s come and fit into the madhouse perfectly.

Welcome To The Family Jinx

On the very first day Jinx found and used her litter tray really easily so no accidents or messes there to clean up and she also went straight to her food and water. Something I really wasn’t expecting though was for Jinx to come and sit on any of us for a while. After a couple of hours of exploring she came over and sat on the arm of the chair then slowly came on my knee. Jinx then spent the next 2.5 hours asleep on me!

Welcome To The Family Jinx

Jinx did have 8 sisters at her foster house so maybe she just needed company. She really loves coming to cuddle up on a lap and go to sleep. This really doesn’t make doing work on an evening very easy though. I will have to make sure I work upstairs in my office for a while at least on the days that Erin is at nursery.

Erin was especially happy about how quick Jinx settled in as on the first day, she sat with Erin and slept for a bit too on her blanket! Erin doesn’t quite understand that Jinx will sleep a lot and can get tired quite quickly because she’s so little. Obviously, Erin wants to play with her all of the time but she’ll soon learn what she can and can’t do. Erin has been great with feeding Jinx though and making sure she has fresh water in the mornings.

Erin and Jinx

Now that Jinx has joined the family, I feel like our house exactly how it should be again. I’m so happy that she settled in quickly and slotted in as part of the family perfectly.


Welcome To The Family Jinx

10 thoughts on “Welcome To The Family Jinx”

  1. Oh my goodness Jinx is the cutest. It’s always so exciting when new additions come into the family. We lost our dog a couple of years back and it’s taken my daughter a very long time to deal with that, I’d love a new pet in our family. I think it’s time.

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