Exploring Nature With The GeoSafari Jr. Critter Habitat

AD | Gifted item As a child I don’t remember being very outdoorsy. I know that I definitely didn’t like any kind of creature or bug and I probably would have run a mile before actually picking one up or touching it. I know that’s really not a good way to be though and from a very young age we have encouraged Erin to embrace all there is about the outdoors. To help Erin get even more involved and interested in the great outdoors we were recently sent the GeoSafari Jr. Critter Habitat from Learning Resources.

The Top 4 Garden Trends Of 2019

AD | Collaborative post Now summer is here, it is time to cut away the weeds and inject some lift into your garden. Whether you plan on hosting guests or just simply want to relax in your garden, you should take a look at these top trends that will make your garden the envy of all your neighbours. Curb appeal gardening When we think of the garden, we usually associate it with the space at the back of the house, however, you must not forget the front garden, as this will be where first impressions

5 Family Friendly Garden Features

AD | Collaborative post When we moved into our house nearly 5 years ago we had a lot of work to do. The previous owners had left the back garden in a huge mess and while we did some extensive work to get it in a usable condition, there’s still a lot we need to do. We managed to clear the whole garden, have it levelled off and add some decking and turf but it’s still a pretty plain and boring area. We’re now looking to change things up a bit but we also have

Spring Activities for Families

AD | Collaborative post We’re right in the heart of spring now, and might even be able to start thinking about the summer before too long. But for now, it’s time to savour the spring weather, with all its ups and downs, and have some fun as a family. Let’s take a look at all the best activities you can enjoy with your little ones at this time of year: Gardening Kids love to finally get outdoors after spending the cold winter months cooped up, and spring is the perfect time to head into the

Getting Out In The Garden With Home Bargains

AD | Gifted items Spring is finally here after what seems to be a very long wait. The weather is slowly getting warmer, the nights are getting lighter and that means I have been looking forward to getting out in the garden more. Our garden is actually really basic but I just don’t go out there during the winter. So, when the time comes there ends up being quite a bit I need to do to get the garden ready for summer. This year Home Bargains sent us a wonderful selection of their gardening products to

Keeping Our Home Tidy With Vintage Apple Crates

AD – This post is in collaboration with Vintage Apple Crates. All opinions are our own.  Erin is such an outdoorsy child and I think from the minute she learned to walk, she wanted to be in the garden. We have had a good few weeks of bad weather lately but that doesn’t stop Erin from wanting to either play outside or go to the park. Unfortunately, our large lawn gets extremely muddy and disgusting during the winter and I’m a bit reluctant to let Erin play out there a lot of the time. At

Home Improvements That Will Add Value To Your Property

AD | Collaborative post.   Living in an old Victorian semi means that there is always something that needs doing. When we first purchased this house 5 years ago we knew exactly what we were buying but we got the house for a good price. Being on the property ladder can mean always thinking about how much your home is worth and whether you will get a good price for it, should you decide to sell and move on to somewhere else. If you’re looking for ways to improve your home and add lasting value

5 Ways To Look After Your Garden In Winter

AD – This post is a collaborative post. All opinions are our own.  Over the past week or so the temperatures have really dropped and we have even seen a little bit of snow down here in Norfolk. Something I think we tend to forget about a little bit at this time of year is the garden. For us, we don’t go out there nearly as much during the winter and I know we could do more to keep it in better shape. Here are some ideas for how to look after your garden in