3 Latest Interior Design Trends

AD | Collaborative post Design trends are always coming and going, and it can be hard to keep up with the changes, but if you want to make sure your home is as modern and stylish as possible, it’s important to know what’s current in the world of interior design. In this way, you can make sure your home is fresh and modern and make any changes you need to before your interior starts to look old-fashioned and outdated. With that in mind, here are some of the best and latest interior design trends to

Wall art for every room from Desenio

AD | Collaborative post An easy, and quick, way to addd a different feel to a room is with wall art. You can add as many pictures as you want to a wall and create a whole new look, or change up the theme of a room. If you’re looking to do something like this then Desenio offer a huge range of both prints and frames.

How To Brighten Up A Room With Wall Tapestries

AD | Collaborative post When it comes to home decor I think it’s easy to get stuck in a bit of a rut. We can follow design ideas from Pinterest or glassy magazines but a lot of the time they tend to all follow the same trends. I don’t know about you but I’m quite bored of seeing the same kinds of prints on the same grey walls. Something I didn’t know until recently is that you can get amazing tapestries for your wall. I have to admit that I have only really ever thought about putting

A Mini Living Room Makeover

There aren’t many rooms of our house that I actually like, due to there being work that needs doing in all of them. However, one of my most hated rooms is the living room/ dining room/ play area. It’s a pretty big room at 25ft (with an L shape coming off the side too) and it’s really just not very nice. The walls are white but a bit grubby looking, the dining room floor has gaps in the wood so it’s really cold, there is a bit of stone floor and the living room carpet

Creating A Cosy Corner With BeanBagBazaar

AD | Gifted item With Erin just about to turn 4 she is quickly realising that she wants different things in her bedroom. The way she uses the space now is vastly different from how she did even a year ago. She wants somewhere comfortable and cosy to chill out and relax and somewhere to sit and look at her books. I wanted to get something that would last Erin a long time and work well for at least the next few years. We recently received the ICON™ Kenai Faux Fur Bean Bag in Arctic wolf. BeanBagBazaar also

VonHaus Colonial Storage Chest Review

AD | Gifted At this time of year I am in constant preparation for Christmas and Erin’s birthday on New Year’s Day. I’m sure you can imagine how much stuff we end up with at home within a short space of time. Between Christmas and birthday presents Erin get a lot of new things and of course, they all need to go somewhere. While I do try to have a bit of a clear out beforehand that’s not always enough so this year I have looked into new storage options. Wanting something clean, simple and

Refreshing Erin’s Bedroom With Hurn And Hurn

AD | Gifted items Before Erin was born, and definitely before she actually went into her own room, we tried to get it as ready for her as possible. We’d bought furniture like a wardrobe and IKEA storage in advance and we haven’t really done anything else with it for a long time. I think the only thing that has really changed is swapping a cot for a toddler bed and adding some woodland themed bedding. Recently, we were asked by Hurn and Hurn to pick out some items to help spruce up Erin’s room

What Makes The Best Guest Bedroom

AD | Collaborative post Our spare bedroom has been occupied for the best part of 8 months. However, my sister and her fiancé moved into their own house in July which means we have our room back and it’s time to start thinking about making a few changes. Although I use the room for photography and storage it also has to work as a place for family and friends to sleep when they come to visit. That got me thinking about what would make the best guest bedroom and here are a few ideas: Peaceful