5 Effective Ways to Nurture Creativity in Your Teen

Creativity is a value that’s priceless in today’s modern world. In a global society that prioritizes innovation and adaptability, creativity is what drives these forward. It’s no longer just the painters, musicians, and writers of the world who rely on their creative thinking skills. Engineers, healthcare professionals, and even policymakers do so as well.

Maternity and safety at home: Key things to look out for

Collaborative post Becoming a parent is an incredible experience. Looking into the eyes of your precious baby is a feeling like no other. But having a baby around the house can make you realise how many hazards there are. Keeping your kids safe is paramount so here are some tips to help you achieve that. 

Teaching your child to empathise with others

AD | Collaborative post Empathy can be described as a powerful emotion that allows individuals to understand and share the feelings with those around us. As a parent, nurturing empathy in your child is one of the most important responsibilities you have. Empathetic children are known to grow up to be kind, understanding and compassionate adults, who contribute positively to society. Below is a guide that goes into more detail on ways to teach your child to empathise with others, as advised by this sixth form in West Sussex. 

7 ways to stay calm when your child is having a tantrum

Having children is a blessing, but there is nothing as testing as a child having a tantrum. As a parent, it is one of the difficult situations we can find ourselves in, and staying calm to help your child through the tantrum so that you both come out of it happy is overwhelming and daunting. However, here are some of the ways to stay calm when your child is having a tantrum.

5 parenting hacks that can help you embrace the school holidays

The school holidays are something that you either love or dread as a parent. On the one hand, you may gain the opportunity to spend more time with your kids and enjoy a slower pace for a few weeks. If you work then it’s a bit more of a juggle to figure out what to do. However, they don’t need to be too stressful. Here are some of the parenting hacks that can help you embrace the school holidays. 

The Importance of English Literature in Schools

AD | Collaborative post English Literature is a popular yet important subject taught in schools in the UK. As part of a school’s requirement to teach English, Language and Literature subjects are usually separated to give your child the best chance at developing their skills within both fields.  Literature focuses more on the study of stories, novels and other forms of writing, whereas Language particularly focuses on the way English has developed and how it has changed over the course of history.

How & Why You Should Build Positive Relationships with Your Child’s Teachers

AD | Collaborative post Having a good relationship with your child’s teachers provides a number of benefits to both you and the teachers at the school. It will provide a lot more access for children, as well as liaising with teachers on crucial elements where required. It’s why it’s a great idea for parents to get involved in their child’s education and make lasting relationships with their teachers.

Finding The Right Childcare With Childcare.co.uk

AD | Paid collaboration Even before Erin was born we knew that she would be an only child. Factors such as a really hard pregnancy, an even harder birth and family circumstances have meant that we haven’t wanted any more children. Being an only child can be quite a hard thing as young children crave companionship, friendship and fun with others their own age. I found that as soon as baby classes such as Baby Sensory and Baby Yoga finished at around age 1 Erin wasn’t getting this anymore. It was time to look for