Adopting A Rescue Cat: How To Help Them Get Settled

AD | Gifted Three weeks ago we added a new member to the family. Jinx the rescue kitten came from a foster home with Cats Protection, where she was 1 of 9 kittens that were found in a shed. With any rescue cat they will have been living in a completely different place, with different people and maybe with or without children. When you bring them into your home, getting them settled might take a while but there are things you can do to make things easier, for both you and them. Somewhere to sleep

Welcome To The Family Jinx

A few months ago I wrote about both of our rabbits sadly dying within a couple of days for each other. At the time we said no more pets, at least not for a while. As time went on I particularly felt like something was missing. The house and garden was too quiet. It just didn’t feel right any more. We’ve had pets since we moved into this house so it definitely felt wrong without one. For quite some time now Erin had been asking for a pet cat. I was unsure at first. It

A Home Without Pets

You may have a read one of our posts a couple of days ago where we explained that one of our rabbits, Mopsy, had passed away. This was a really hard day for us all, me especially I think, and I had just been coming to terms with the fact that he was gone. Erin also seemed to have understood that he’d died and he couldn’t come back after we explained what had happened to her. We thought that we could get on with things and make a new normal for us all. After a

How To Help Your Child Deal With The Death Of A Pet

On Friday night our pet rabbit Mopsy sadly died. When I was cooking dinner on Friday I just happened to look out of the window and I saw him laying on the floor so I immediately went out to him. The second that I saw him I knew that was it. Mopsy was around 5 and a half years old which for a rabbit, is pretty good going. We got him when we moved into this house and he got ill quite quickly. After 4 rounds of medication the vet said it wasn’t working and that

3 Great Ways To Have A Lot Of Fun With Your Dog

AD | Collaborative post Having a dog should be fun. There is so much that you can do with your new friend that you’ll want to get started as soon you get your dog. With that in mind, here are three fun things that you can do with your dog. Training It might surprise you, but training your dog can be fun. It doesn’t need to be something that is a chore because both you and your dog can enjoy the experience. In fact, it is good for a dog to be trained and they

Why We Use A Pet Sitting Service

Back when we still had Jackson we were forced to put him in kennels if we wanted to go away for a weekend on holiday. Jackson luckily loved spending time there even if the staff said he was far too excitable for a dog of his age (he’s only just turning 3). Anyway, we sadly had to re-home Jackson and we no longer had to think about this kind of thing. Then, we took in my sister’s cat for a while and were back to thinking about what we would do when we went away.

Christmas Gifts For Dogs And Cats

We are a big animal loving family and of course, we can’t leave our furry friends out when it comes to Christmas presents. Although Jackson may not be a part of this family any more, we have neighbours each side of us with dogs and of course, we have been looking after my sister’s cat Jara for a while now. Today we’re talking about Christmas gift ideas for dogs and cats. Dogs Trust might not be the obvious choice of places to look for gifts but they have a fantastic range and something for all

The Ultimate Guide To Becoming A Responsible Dog Owner

Lots of children love the idea of having a pet dog at home, and so many parents go out and buy one. The issue is that some people have no clue what being a responsible pet owner involves. So, many of those families end up annoying their neighbors and getting into trouble. With that in mind, everyone should read this advice carefully and put it into action as soon as possible. When all’s said and done, the family decided to care for an animal, and so their choice shouldn’t mean other people have to suffer.