Getting A Helping Hand With The Cleaning From ACE

AD | Includes gifted items On a regular week I could lose track of how many loads of laundry I do. I would say that my washing machine is on at least once every day of the week. Somehow, it seems like the clothes that need washing breeds and they end up taking over the house if I don’t keep on top of it all. With a pretty messy 4 year old, husband who somehow always manages to be a bit mucky and me who easily drops food down tops, I need cleaning products that

Home Tasks To Do This Year

AD | Collaborative post I love the start of a new year! There is something so refreshing about it. Everyone has new goals and aspirations and it just seems like because of that, things are happier, healthier, and more lively. I could not be more excited to celebrate the beginning of a (hopefully) great year, but there is also a lot to be done over the next few weeks to prepare your home for the cool weather because with a new year, typically comes cooler weather. It’s funny because we are already in the heat

5 Easily Forgotten Areas To Clean Around The Home

AD | This is a collaborative post.  Spring seems to be just around the corner. I don’t know about you but I always like to give my house a really good clean after winter. Some areas tend to get a bit neglected over winter and I find this is a great time to make a list and tackle some of those easily forgotten areas to clean around the home. Skirting boards Having an old house that seems to attract dust from nowhere means that some of our skirting boards get particularly dusty. We have had them

Toddler Friendly Cleaning With Nimble

Since Erin was born we have been more and more aware of the cleaning products we use and where possible, we now try to buy products with her in mind. I actually don’t do any big cleaning jobs while Erin is awake as I don’t like to use chemicals around her just in case she somehow manages to get a hold of them or run in to a room while I’m spraying something. However, there are some things that just can’t be put off so it’s always nice to find a brand that has babies

Hoover Freejet Cordless Vacuum Cleaner Review

At the moment we have a 2 vacuum cleaners and we keep 1 downstairs and 1 upstairs. Our upstairs vacuum cleaner is a bagged model and it’s really heavy and bulky so I’ve been looking to replace it for some time now. recently sent us the Hoover Freejet FE18AG Cordless Vacuum Cleaner.  When this was delivered I was really surprised at how light and small the box was. Every other vacuum cleaner I have ever had has come in a really bulky and heavy box but not this one. As I unpacked the box I

5 Minute Tidy Ups With The Hoover Clik Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

AD | Gifted item Sometimes it feels like I am forever walking around and cleaning up crumbs as Erin drops them. Some days it’s a bit of a pain getting the big vacuum cleaner out just to clean up a couple of crisp crumbs or a tiny mess in the middle of the rug. We were recently sent the Hoover Clik SC96DWR4 Handheld Vacuum Cleaner to help us out and here’s how we’ve been getting on with it. The Hoover Clik Handheld Vacuum Cleaner needs charging before you can use it but this is generally the

Trialing A Cleaning Schedule

My sister has been living with us for the past 7 months and while we loved having her here, we are glad to have our space back. Having an extra person live with us, actually 2 people for a little while, meant having ‘stuff’ everywhere and our spare room taken over. We haven’t really felt like we have had a good routine going for some time now but now that we have the house to ourselves again, we’ve decided to trial a cleaning schedule. John works full time, often 6 days a week and I

Kärcher SC3 Easyfix Steam Cleaner Review

Something you won’t ever hear out of my mouth is ‘My house is spotless’. Erin keeps me on my toes most of the time and while she’s at nursery 3 days a week I can usually be found at my desk working (or napping) and I know I don’t make enough time for the housework. We unfortunately bought a house where the previous owners hadn’t looked after it very well and we’ve ended up with some areas that are really hard to clean so I just don’t like doing it. However, we were sent the