Peppa’s Alphaphonics Campervan Review

Erin is now at an age where she is really picking up words quickly and easily so I’m trying to help her as much as I can. Sometimes though, I get a bit stuck on what to teach her and more so, how to teach her. I had had my eye on Peppa’s Alphaphonics Campervan for a little while now and we have been lucky enough to be able to review it.   The alphaphonics board is presented in a really bright and colourful campervan design, with the pig family sat inside. At the top

Erin’s 21 Month Update!

21 months old! Where has that time gone? I can’t believe my little girl is going to be 2 in a few very short months. It will be here before I know it and that also means the start of nursery for her. It still amazes me how far this little girls comes every single months. I was sure that by this age, I would notice things less and less and new things would happen less often but that’s just not true. So, here’s how Erin has been getting on over the past month: Movement

Gaining Confidence With The ToddleBike2

AD | Gifted product There are a few things I never learned to do as a child that I think are probably pretty standard. Something I never learned how to do was ride a bike. I think my uncle tried at some point but I have no idea what happened. This is something I really want Erin to learn how to do and we’re starting her quite young! Recently, she has been trying out the ToddleBike2! If you don’t know what a toddlebike is, just like I didn’t before we got one here is a

Erin’s 20 Month Update!

It has been so long since I did an update about Erin. I guess time got away from us but there is so much to say now! Erin is now 20 months old and my god she is growing up quickly. Here is her 20 month update. Erin is becoming more and more of her own person each day and her personality shines through. She is such a cheeky little bugger and she knows it. Erin is also becoming more and more affectionate each day. I can ask her for a hug or a kiss