4 Ways To Use Your Air Fryer This Christmas

I have to be completely honest and admit that I have a bit of a thing about getting new kitchen gadgets and hardly ever using them. The space at the top of my kitchen cupboards is overtaken by sandwich toasters, mixers and blenders and there’s not really much room left for anything else. When we first got the air fryer I really didn’t think we would use it that much. I had been a very big lover of my deep fat fryer but I knew we had to make a change and this was it.

Sensio Home Air Fryer Review

It still surprises me how many people haven’t been introduced to air fryers yet. I have to admit, we were pretty late to the game but we are most definitely converted. Today, I’ll be telling you all about the Sensio Home Air Fryer, what we think of it and you’ll even have a chance to win one for yourself. The Sensio Home Air Fryer is really easy to use. Unlike some air fryers there are no digital controls on this one. The top dial controls the heat setting and the lower dial controls the timer. Once you have

Air Fryer Parsnips

One of Erin’s favourite foods when she was about 1 was parsnips. If we would go out for a carvery or a roast dinner these would be her food of choice. Sadly, she’s been going through a fussy stage lately and won’t each much at all so I thought cooking up some air fryer parsnips might do the trick. The great thing about air fryer parsnips is that you can do them a few different ways. If you follow the recipe below you can either serve them with a roast dinner or you can have

Air Fryer Carrots

I am a pretty fussy eater and I don’t actually eat that much veg. However, something I have with every roast or Christmas dinner is carrots.  I love them but I have only ever cooked them in the same way and they can get pretty boring after a while. While I was in an experiencing mood I wondered whether or not you could cook carrots in an air fryer. Here’s out the air fryer carrots turned out! To start with, I cut the carrots into bigger chunks and I quickly realised that they would take

Air Fryer Roast Potatoes

One of the best bits about a roast dinner for me is the roast potatoes. I know some people tend to choose mashed potatoes instead but I’m quite happy cook both normally because I love them both. The problem for me though is that roast potatoes tend to take forever. If I cook them in the oven I par boil them first and then they still take a good 35-40 minutes to cook. We also have quite a small cooker and when you add in meat or sausages etc. and Yorkshire puddings, it doesn’t leave

Air Fryer Brussel Sprouts

Brussel spouts, whether you like them or not, are a traditional part of Christmas dinner. I, personally, am not a fan myself but my husband John LOVES them. The problem with Christmas dinner is that there is so much to do, only a certain number of hobs available on the cooker and not enough time to really do everything you want. I want to spend Christmas Day with my family, watching Erin opening her presents and having fun so I decided to experiment a bit and see what I could cook in my air fryer.

Healthier Cooking With The VonShef Digital Air Fryer

Earlier in the year (might be last year actually) we threw away our deep fat fryer. We relied on it way too much for nice food that was quick to cook and decided that enough was enough and it was time for it to go. However, since then, I have really wanted an air fryer. The air fryer is really easy to set up because all you really need to do is plug it in and work out which settings you need to use. There aren’t that many options either so there’s no risk of