Don’t Let An Accident At Work Ruin Your Confidence

Collaborative post Confidence at work can be really hard to achieve. It can take years for you to feel at ease and to ditch the imposter syndrome. However, it doesn’t take much to bring it back again. A workplace accident is a classic example of this. It can leave you needing some time off work to recover and could leave you feeling anxious or stressed at the thought of returning to work. But why should an accident hold you back from what you’ve worked so hard to achieve?  Don’t let an accident at work ruin

Returning to work after becoming a parent

AD | Collaborative post Before we become parents something we might not consider is that our current career just won’t work for us any more. It’s so hard to prepare for the reality of a first child and what that will mean for you, your family and your finances. If you find yourself needing a change when you decide to go back to when then consider these career options.

Getting The Right Balance: Have I Cracked It?

Today is my first day back at work properly since our holiday to Haven last week. I say back at work but what I really mean is that Erin is at nursery today so I’m working from home. I made the decision to go self-employed full time last year and honestly, it was such a struggle to start with. I had Erin at home all day, every day and I was working in the evenings most days, sometimes until gone midnight to get everything done. It was killing me and I was constantly behind or

The Importance Of Eye Tests For Office Workers

John has been in his job for 16 years now and that means he has sat in front of a computer screen for a very long time on a daily basis. I also now work with a computer and between us, we have really felt the need to look after our eyes better. Sitting at a computer screen for hours and hours every day can really do damage to your eyes, especially if you don’t take proper breaks or if you sit too close to the screen. Both of us have needed eye tests for quite some

The Email Of Doom

Up until recently I would have Erin at home with me all day for 7 days a week while John works full time. I did go back to work for a bit when Erin was 9 months old and got an evening job in a supermarket but it really wasn’t for me so I quit after about 10 or 11 months to be self-employed and stay at home. Some days with Erin are absolutely wonderful and I love every minute of being at home with her. Some days with Erin are so incredibly stressful and

Phone Cameras: iPhone 8 VS Huawei P9

I have always had Android phones and have only recently discovered a love for the iMac (with a huge want for a MacBook Pro)! I have been toying with the idea of switching from Android to iPhone when my last upgrade came about but the phone I wanted was no longer available and I wasn’t overly impressed with what else I could have had. Instead, I went with a Huawei P9 which I absolutely love. It was always going to take some doing to make me like something more than this phone. So, when Three

Finding The Perfect Balance When Working From Home

Working from home and blogging full time is a lot! I had been hoping to be able to do this full time for quite some time now and a couple of months ago I took a risk and quit my part time evening job in a supermarket. I hated it. I hated being away from John and Erin and I hated being restricted in what I could and couldn’t do. I never wanted to go back to work after maternity leave and I always knew deep down it wasn’t for me. Since I started working

The Essential Guide To Going Back To Work After Having Children

After years of looking after your children, there may come a time for you to think about getting back into the workplace. Perhaps your children are at school full time, or are at least old enough to look after themselves without you needing to be at their beck and call 24/7. The idea of going back to work can be very appealing, particularly if you are tired of looking at the same four walls a day as a stay at home mum. If you have the opportunity to get back out into the job market,