I never had proper swimming lessons. I know being forced to get into a swimming pool as a teenager at school doesn’t really count even thought they liked to class them as lessons. I can barely keep myself from drowning and I’m not sure I could manage a while width, let alone a length, of any swimming pool. As soon as I was sort of recovered from my emergency C-section and 2nd surgery, I signed Erin up to swimming classes. I had always planned on doing this as soon as possible because I didn’t want
Category: Erin 2-3
5 Favourite Toys Of A 2 Year Old
Erin will be turning 3 in January which isn’t very far away at all and over the past year the way that she plays has really changed. She seems to have gone from really basic toys to being really imaginative in the blink of an eye so I thought I would write about what some of her favourite toys have been since she turned 2. Peppa Pig Kitchen My Mum got this for Erin from Morrisons I think in the Black Friday sale in 2017 and it ended up being a Christmas present. At the
The toddler with a million questions
As soon as Erin could talk it became clear very quickly that she was going to be a chatterbox… just like her mother. Over the past couple of months though Erin has really seemed to grasp questions and loves to ask them. I’m not sure when she learned certain questions but the flavours of the week are ‘Mummy, what happened?’ and ‘Mummy, what’s that?’ You might think that hearing these questions over and over again are annoying but for me they’re really not. Even when I was pregnant I thought about what Erin would be
Potty training essentials from BabyBjörn
AD | Gifted items After we tried potty training with Erin for the first time back in March I soon realised that we were not really prepared enough at all. Even though we didn’t carry on with potty training at that time, we did learn a few things. We had one potty ready for Erin but we didn’t think about the practicalities. Erin’s bedroom is upstairs, we have a downstairs toilet and no toilet in our downstairs bathroom. We certainly didn’t anticipate when we would be trying again and how well Erin would take to it
Why You Shouldn’t Stress About Potty Training
Back in March we had our first attempt at potty training. We got all kitted out with the Summer Infant My Size Potty and Erin loved it. We gave Erin time to get used to the new potty and a few weeks after it was delivered we got Erin some knickers and gave it a go. It didn’t turn out too well though and Erin just wasn’t ready at a place where she was ready for potty training. We gave up after a couple of days and decided to wait until the weather was nicer
My First Photo Book By Photobox
AD | PR product Being nearly 3, Erin is now at an age where she remembers certain events and she loves to look at pictures of them. I think she would happily let me sit and go through all of my folders of pictures on my Mac for hours, or even look at some of the printed photos we have. Erin also loves to have something for herself too though so when Photobox got in touch to tell me about their brand new ‘My First Photo Book’ I couldn’t wait to order one for Erin.
What to expect from your child’s 2 year health visitor review
Last week Erin had her 2 year Health Visitor review. Now, I know they don’t really do them spot on 2 years old but they’re supposed to be carried out between 2 years and 2.5 years. Erin had hers at 29 months so the timing was pretty spot on. She was actually supposed to have it a month earlier but we had to reschedule due to the first appointment falling on one of her nursery days. Before Erin’s appointment I really didn’t know what to expect so hopefully this blog post will come in useful
Planning A Playdate With The Teletubbies
AD | Collaborative post When it comes to playing with Erin sometimes I get really stuck for ideas, especially if we end up stuck indoors due to the unpredictable British weather. We tend to do the same things a lot of the time and we don’t have much variety. I think I can safely say the same for the times where John and Erin have time on their own too. Thankfully, Erin goes to nursery for 3 days a week and the variation she gets is so good for her. So, when I heard about