How Having A Cat Is Helping My Mental Health

You might figure from the name of this website that we have a dog and not a cat. We did have a dog a few years ago and when we got Jackson I thought he was everything I’d ever wanted. To be completely honest, I think John and I both felt really stressed not long after we got him. Working and making sure he had the walks he needed etc. was a lot of hard work. We got Jackson as a puppy and figured we would have a good few years with him before having

Living With Birth Trauma

It’s been a while now since I last wrote about Erin’s birth and the fact that I was dealing with the aftermath of birth trauma and post natal depression. It’s actually not something I write too much about now but last month there was a birth trauma awareness week and I thought it was important to post something then so I did on social media. It got me thinking a bit though so I thought it was time for a bit of an update. Erin will be turning 4 in January and her birth is

Mental Health And The Summer Holidays

I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that the summer holidays scare the crap out of me. A couple of years ago I went through a pretty bad time with post natal depression and unfortunately, it’s not something that has completely gone away. At the time, I really wasn’t coping very well with being at home all day, every day with Erin and because of that (as well as other reasons) we decided to put Erin into nursery at 2. My stress levels came down quite quickly and I didn’t find myself panicking quite

Struggling With Solitude

I got my first job when I was 13. It was a paper round and it didn’t last very long but I soon got another job working in a cafe thanks to my Great Aunt. There haven’t been many times where I haven’t had a job between 13 and 33 and a lot of the times I have worked in customer service in some way. Jobs like that mean being around people all of the time and there’s generally always someone to talk to. I loved chatting to customers and I had some real favourites

We’re Only Having One Child… And That’s Absolutely Fine!

It seems like my social media feeds are full of pregnancy and newborn babies at the moment and I am reading loads of blog posts about second children. I love seeing other blogger’s huge announcements and squishy new babies but at the same time it makes me realise that the questions about us having another child probably aren’t going to stop any time soon. The thing is, we won’t be having any more children and we’re more than happy just to have Erin. People seem to think that a family isn’t complete until children have

Things I Have Learned Since Becoming A Parent

It only seems like yesterday that we were FINALLY bringing Erin home from the hospital and really starting our life as a family of 3. Erin is 3 in just a couple of months and it’s coming around a lot quicker than I’m happy with. Becoming a parent has definitely been a learning curve and I have learned so much, not just since Erin was born but from the minute I found out I was pregnant. Newborns are easy I wish someone had told me that even with the issues I had to start with,

Self-Care Is More Than Just A Bubble Bath

AD | Collaborative post.  It took me a long time to admit it but after Erin was boring I had post natal depression. I didn’t want to admit it for so long but sometimes, things build up and up until you blow and that’s exactly what happened with me. Since then, I am so much more mindful about taking time for myself, looking after me and listening to my body and what it needs. I used to think that self-care was taking a nice soak in the tub or an extra 30 minutes in bed

Why You Shouldn’t Stress About Potty Training

Back in March we had our first attempt at potty training. We got all kitted out with the Summer Infant My Size Potty and Erin loved it. We gave Erin time to get used to the new potty and a few weeks after it was delivered we got Erin some knickers and gave it a go. It didn’t turn out too well though and Erin just wasn’t ready at a place where she was ready for potty training. We gave up after a couple of days and decided to wait until the weather was nicer