Today is my first day back at work properly since our holiday to Haven last week. I say back at work but what I really mean is that Erin is at nursery today so I’m working from home. I made the decision to go self-employed full time last year and honestly, it was such a struggle to start with. I had Erin at home all day, every day and I was working in the evenings most days, sometimes until gone midnight to get everything done. It was killing me and I was constantly behind or
Tag: Work From Home
Dealing With Dry Spells When You’re Self Employed
Being self-employed can be really difficult. You never know when your next piece of work will come in and you never know if you’re going to consistently earn the same amount each month. It would be lovely to be able to say that we don’t rely on the money I make each month but we do, especially now that Erin is at nursery and we don’t get any help with fees at the moment. Being self-employed has changed how we deal with money because something had to change. Here are some tips for dealing with
Home Office Wishlist
AD | Collaborative post I love having my own little corner of the house to work in. Okay, it’s a bit bigger than a small corner as I have a huge Ikea Alex/ Linnmon desk that takes up a big space and I also have a couple of storage units next to and behind the desk. However, my office is far from perfect and there’s loads more I would do with it if I could like moving the cat’s huge scratching post/ house somewhere else! That aside, I do have a bit of a home office
Managing Money When You Are Self-Employed
AD | Paid collaboration When I made the decision to go self-employed and quit my job in a supermarket, I knew that things wouldn’t always be easy. Before, I had the security of a regular, although not huge, income and I knew that we would never have to worry about how much money we had at certain times during the month. Being self-employed can be really tough sometimes and we need a bit of help with paying bills. Managing money when you are self-employed can be tough so here’s how we try to deal with it as
My Work From Home Routine
Erin has been going to nursery for nearly a month now so it’s given me a few weeks to get used to her not being around for a couple of days a week. From February, she will be going Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:45 to 3:30. While I do still feel a bit lost without her, having spent near enough every single day of the past two years with her, it’s amazing how quickly you get used to it and get into a new routine. This year I joined the gym so on a Wednesday
Epson EcoTank ET-7750 Review
Working from home and having a pretty busy life means needing as many things as possible to keep us organised. Erin has started nursery now and we sometimes get emailed calendar dates and school activities that will be happening soon and I really like to have these things printed out for both me and John. To make our lives a bit easier we were recently sent the Epson EcoTank ET-7750 printer. Now, until recently I didn’t know what an EcoTank was so many other people might not either. Unlike a regular printer, the EcoTank works with
Trigg Life Mapper Planner Review
Even before I was a blogger I loved getting new stationery and one of my favourite things to get was either a new planner or notebook. Now that I used at least 3 different kinds at any one time I’m always on the look out for something new and different. Last year when I attended the London Stationery Show I discovered the Trigg Life Mapper Planner. The problem with a lot of planners is that they don’t really account for everything you need it to do, unless you bullet journal and make something yourself. Personally,
Blog On: Better The 2nd Time Around?
Back in May I went to my first ever blogging conference and I loved every minute of it. I didn’t think I was going to be able to go to the second Blog On Conference of this year though because at the time tickets were released, I had a job that I couldn’t get time off from. However, things have changed and I now work from home. I was lucky enough to get a ticket to Blog On Xmas while being on the waiting list. I headed off to Manchester on my own this time